Monday 21 October 2013

P.E. Kit

Please remember to bring your p.e. Kit Friday, including trainers as we will be on the climbing wall. 

Sunday 3 February 2013

Check out our new forum on flowering and non flowering plants. Post a question or some information. This will help you with your research in science.

Homework, spelling and reading records

Homework - As I explained on Friday, your homework for this week is to visit our class homework page and post a message on our forum about a good book which you have read. Well done to Harry, Holly, Lauren, Georgina and Jade who have all posted on this forum already. We look forward to seeing more posts soon.
Spellings - Remember to keep learning your spellings throughout the week. Well done to those who had full marks on Friday.
Reading records - If you didn't have your reading record in school on Friday, remember to bring it in this week so that we can update it with our new book review sheets. Your reading record and book should be brought to school everyday even if your book doesn't need changing. Thank you.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Well done to the children who have visited our class homework page. I am really pleased to see that Holly, Georgina and Harry have all posted messages about good books on our book forum. We will have to look out for the books that they have recommended when we visit the library on Thursday. Well done Rhys for completing the story opening assignment. I enjoyed reading your work, it made me want to read more of the story. Let us know what else you would like to see on our class page. Mrs Morgan

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Star of the day

A special well done to Liam who has impressed us today with his ICT skills when saving work correctly on purple mash and his knowledge of the main organs in the human body. We look forward to seeing super work from other members of our class soon. Mrs Morgan & Mrs Griffiths

Saving your purple mash work on organs

When saving your purple mash work on organs please save it in the folder entitled organs which you will find in our class folder (456GM). Thank you.
In addition to the purple mash activity on human organs, there are plenty of other activities on our homework page to keep you busy if you are missing school. There is a writing activity following on from our work on Harwell hall. There are also times tables games and a punctuation game. You can write a book review to share a favourite book with us. You can join a forum to share what you know about WW2. Don't forget to keep learning your spellings for your test on Friday and read your reading book. We look forward to seeing you soon and hearing all about the fun that you have had in the snow. Remember to stay safe if you are out in the snow. Mrs Morgan & Mrs Griffiths
Bore da!
Please complete this purple mash activity to revise the work that you have done on the major organs in the human body. To access the activity you need to open purple mash and click on themes then click on human body and then click on where are your organs? You need to put the organs in the correct place and write about their functions. Remember to save your work. Be patient and wait until it has finished saving before you close it or it won't save. We look forward to seeing the work that you have completed.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

We hope that you are all enjoying the snow but remembering to stay safe. Please remember to read your reading books at home and bring them into school everyday so that we can listen to you read and change your books. We have put some times tables games on our class page for you which we think you will enjoy. Remember that there are lots of fun activities on purple mash too. Enjoy! Mrs Morgan & Mrs Griffiths